3901 Speedway, Austin TX 78751
Food Pantry          Widow's Work Day         Volunteer
The goal of Mission Austin is to be a catalyst for change in the spiritual condition of our communities by being a point of convergence where the Gospel message of Jesus Christ (confession) intersects the irrepressible demonstration of good deeds toward our fellow man (compassion). We want to live at this intersection. In this mission, we are motivated by our Lord’s command:

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."  

Matthew 5:16 


The HPBC Food Pantry is a Central Texas Food Bank partner
Location: 3810 Speedway
Telephone Number: 512-419-0308 during working hours
Hours of Operation: Wednesdays from 1:00—3:00 pm.

Our Mission:
We are a Central Texas Food Bank partner agency. Individuals in need of food who live in our service area in zip codes 78705, 78751, 78752, 78756 and 78757 may come to our pantry up to 10 times a year. In addition, we also give out special food items for Thanksgiving and Christmas. HPBC Members who are in need may also come to the pantry.

Pantry volunteers order and pick up food from the Central Texas Food Bank. Workers also process the paperwork required by the CTFB, stock and distribute meat, bread, milk, sweets, dry and canned food.

Questions about pantry operations should be directed to Lester Vanzura, the Food Pantry Director. He can be reached by email at lestervanzura1@gmail.com or simply click the button below.


This is a member-supported ministry. For more information on events and the work day program serving the widows of Hyde Park and the surrounding community contact us in the Discipleship Office. For the widow's work day we provide basic yard work, household chores, basic maintenance and repair, and other odd jobs. The greatest benefit of this project is the opportunity to build relationships with the widows and other volunteers. Work days are scheduled as needed.

If you have questions regarding this ministry, please contact the Discipleship office at (512) 459-6587.

To request assistance please click "Request Assistance" below.


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